Work place risk.
Bespoke solutions to meet all potential work place risks.
Safety Aide offer consultancy service that provide a
- On site meeting with the ‘responsible person’
- Review existing health and safety policy and procedures
- Conduct a site inspection of all work areas
- Individually assess all pieces of work equipment, material used and work activities
- Bring to the attention of senior members of staff any hazard requiring immediate remedial action.
Safety Aide will provide your company with a resource library making them compliant with current legislation
Workplace Assessment & Guidance
SITE SPECIFIC risk assessments covering all the main work activities, welfare facilities, COSHH and management systems.
Library Contents
Action plan drawn up detailing all significant finding
- Recommendation of remedial action as required
- Recommended time scale for implementing remedial action
- Costing of remedial action
The Law
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 3. Every employer SHALL make suitable and sufficient assessment of Risk.
Fire Risk Assessment & Guidance
The Regulatory Reform Fire Safety order 2005. Article 9 states that every employer MUST undertake suitable and sufficient risk assessments
Library Contents
SITE SPECIFIC Fire Risk Assessment tailored to the individual needs of your business.
- Identifying Fire hazards
- Management of Fire Action procedures
- Means of Escape
- Fire Alarm systems
- Fire Fighting
- Signage
- Arson Risk
Action plan drawn up detailing all significant findings
- Recommendation of remedial action as required,
- Recommended time scale for implementing remedial action
- Costing of remedial action
Guidance on fire management, hot work, PEEPS etc
Bespoke Company Health and Safety Policy
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 – Section 2(3) ‘… it SHALL be the duty of every employer to prepare …a written statement of his general policy with respect to the health and safety at work of his employees and the organisation and arrangements …’.
Library Contents
- Statement of Intent (What the company intends to achieve with regards to health & safety – it’s objectives, targets and goals).
- Organisational Responsibilities (Who is responsible for what, from Managing Director and the Board, down through layers of management right the way down to employees).
- Arrangements for Implementation (How the company is going to achieve its aims – the detailed procedures that will be followed to ensure staff remain safe and healthy). This should be specific to the company, and might include such topics as risk assessment, training procedures, manual handling, work at height, workplace transport, personal protective equipment, consultation with employees etc.
- Over 30 individual Policies
Employee Handbook
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 – – Section 2 ‘the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his employees’
Library Contents
It is a mandatory legal requirement of health and safety law that all employees are provided with adequate health and safety information.
One method of providing this is by issuing employee health and safety handbooks to staff.
Safety Aide are able to provide bespoke employee health and safety handbooks
The content of the handbook is fully tailored to your requirements, but normally includes issues such as:
- Reference to the company health and safety policy
- Reference to company risk assessments
- Accident and incident reporting procedures
- First aid arrangements
- Fire and emergency arrangements
- Manual handling guidance
- Display screen equipment guidance
- Electrical Safety
- Hazardous substances guidance
- Housekeeping arrangements
- Occupational stress guidance
- Personal protective equipment arrangements
- Working at height guidance
- Drugs and alcohol procedures
- Safe driving advice
- Arrangements for the health and safety of new and expectant mothers
- Personal safety advice
- Safe use of work equipment and machinery
The handbooks are printed in full colour