When you are running a business, there are lots of things to take care of. One crucial part to focus on is Health & Safety. This is important because it keeps your workplace safe for both staff and any on-site visitors. For businesses, focusing on Health & Safety (H&S) ensures you look after your staff and reduces time taken off work due to accidents and injuries.

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When thinking about this key business area, giving your staff their needed and required training, helps all stay safe at work.

Online Health & Safety training is becoming ever more popular for this purpose. But what do Safety Aide offer in terms of digital learning and why is this the best option?

What Do Safety Aide Online Training Courses Include?

At Safety Aide, we have a range of first-class RoSPA Approved Health & Safety training courses available. This includes:

  • Health and Safety Induction training
  • Fire awareness training
  • Working At Height training
  • Noise Awareness training
  • DSE (Display Screen Equipment) training
  • Manual handling training
  • And many more!

Our range of comprehensive online courses not only enables you to give staff access to key Health & Safety information but also allows them to learn using the latest digital technology.

How Can Your Business Benefit From Online Health & Safety Courses?

Health & Safety is a key area for any business. This is not only in terms of an ethical responsibility to look after staff but also the legal responsibilities all businesses have in this area. Legislation such as The Management of Health and Safety at Work 1999 means you must legally ensure your staff receive suitable and sufficient training.

Online courses, like those at Safety Aide, give a fast and comprehensive way to meet your Health & Safety responsibilities as a business. By allowing employees to access the training they need online, you are arming them with the knowledge they need to remain safe.

Online Health & Safety Training Comes With Many Benefits

Of course, you may wonder why e-learning is the best answer when it comes to Health & Safety training. The simple answer is that it comes with many unique benefits which your business can take advantage of. Online training, for example, means less time away from the workplace for staff and fewer working hours lost for businesses. Your employees can complete all their required training from anywhere they have access to the internet, it is a much quicker and more efficient way of getting high-quality training.

In the current climate, not having to travel somewhere else for in-person training also reduces the COVID risk for staff. Online Health & Safety training is also more cost-effective, as the training itself is often better value due to lower overheads on the provider’s part. It will also see your company save money in terms of travel expenses.

Free Trial Health & Safety Training

Hopefully, the above has set out why this training is important and also why choosing an online course with Safety Aide makes sense. Why not sign-up for our free trial Health & Safety training today to find out more?


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Image source: Unsplash