Who Should Report A RIDDOR Incident, And The Steps That Should Be Taken

Aug 5, 2022

RIDDOR incidents can be very stressful situations, which is why understanding the correct protocol for responding to these incidents is extremely important. Here at Safety Aide, we want to ensure that you feel confident about the steps to take when reporting a RIDDOR incident as well as knowing who should be responsible for reporting a RIDDOR incident.

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What is RIDDOR and when Do I Need to Report RIDDOR Incidents?

RIDDOR stands for Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. RIDDOR is applicable to every workplace and the regulations require the reporting of any deaths and physical injuries that result from accidental incidents within the working environment. No matter how large or how small the incident, it’s vital that they’re reported under RIDDOR.

Who Should Report A RIDDOR Incident?

Within all working environments, there must be one person who has the responsibility of reporting and logging any and all incidents that occur under RIDDOR. These ‘responsible’ people require a certain level of authority, such as employers, supervisors, line managers and those in control of the working premises. Employees are not permitted to report RIDDOR incidents, which is why it’s vital that a supervisor or employer is notified immediately in the event of an incident.

What Has To Be Reported to RIDDOR?

  • The death of any person (workers and non-workers)
  • Specified injuries to workers, such as fractures, burns and amputations
  • Occupational diseases, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Dangerous occurrences, such as the accidental release of any substance which can cause injury to a person
  • Gas incidents
  • Over-seven-day incapacitation of a worker
  • Over-three-day incapacitation
  • Non-fatal accidents to non-workers

View a full list of everything that has to be reported here: https://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor/reportable-incidents.htm

How to Report a RIDDOR Incident

Below is our step-by-step guide on how a RIDDOR incident should be reported:

1) Notify The ‘Responsible’ Person

The first step is to notify the ‘responsible’ member of staff if they are not present when the incident occurs. The person responsible could be the employer or a supervisor. As employees can’t submit a report of the RIDDOR incident themselves, it is vital this person is notified immediately.

2) Log The Report On The RIDDOR Database

The report must then be logged onto the RIDDOR database by the responsible person. It’s important to detail the incident thoroughly and identify which category the incident falls under. Ideally, the report should be logged online, but it’s also possible to report the incident via telephone.

3) Ensure You Keep A Copy Of The Report For Your Records

The next step is to ensure that a copy of the report is stored at your organisation. This is a duty to the employee involved and serves as a recognition of the incident and a demonstration of its accurate reporting.

4) Notify HSE

Within ten days of the incident occurring, it’s extremely important to notify HSE (Health and Safety Executive). The mission of the HSE is to prevent RIDDOR incidents from occurring within workplace environments, which is why it’s essential they are correctly notified so they can take any relevant action.

5) Store The Records Correctly

All RIDDOR incident reports must be correctly stored (both securely and confidentially) in line with Data Protection laws. The incident reports should be kept for at least three years, though it’s recommended to store them for five to six years in case there is litigation resulting from the incident.

Here at Safety Aide, we provide extensive training on the behaviours that can lead to workplace accidents and RIDDOR incidents, sharing tips on maximising preventative action. For more information about our available training on how to avoid slips, trips and falls, contact us today.

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Image Source: Pexels