The simple answer is YES, as an employer it’s your responsibility to take the necessary health and safety precautions, including workplace risk assessments, for your staff. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 outlines the minimum an employer must do to keep staff safe while they are at work. It is the employer’s responsibility to identify hazards, put measures in place to prevent harm from occurring, review those measures regularly and train employees on how to stay safe.

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Completing Workplace Risk Assessments

Because employers are legally obligated to complete all the relevant risk assessments associated with a business, it is sometimes worth getting extra help from a competent assessor who can create a bespoke risk assessment and health and safety plan. Safety Aide offers support in completing risk assessments for any workplace-related hazard or danger, from work equipment to PPE recommendations for staff.

This service can help employers keep their staff safe by providing a detailed report outlining risks that need addressing and precautions that should be taken as well as recommendations for what needs improving. Safety Aide is there for employers, and we are dedicated to helping you with the legal responsibility of keeping your staff safe at work.

Complying With Health & Safety Regulations

According to the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the necessary health and safety procedures an employer must take, involve:

– Identifying any hazards in the workplace – these could include using dangerous machinery, trip hazards or exposure to certain substances
– Putting measures in place to control these risks
– Providing clear health and safety information and signage
– PPE for those exposed to a particular hazard or risk
– Training staff on how to stay safe, including manual handling, fire safety and training for specialised work equipment
– Making sure everyone knows what actions they should take if a hazard is encountered
– Reviewing and updating workplace risk assessments where necessary.

Call Us Today

At Safety Aide, we specialise in providing bespoke health and safety consultancy services for businesses. Our fully qualified staff can create a unique health and safety solution for your business, so you can fulfil your legal responsibilities and ensure your staff are working in a safe and secure environment. Call us today on 0808 196 5249.


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Image source: Unsplash